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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

New York Renters Strike in Potential Nationwide Rent Strike

At the beginning of April, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on all New Yorkers to strike against paying their rent. Whether they had money and could afford rent, whether they were working a...

Forbes Warns Rent Crisis Already Here

According to Forbes, one of the world's foremost financial publications, the "rental crisis of 2020" is upon is in full swing, and is one of the worst symptoms of Covid-19. Forbes has reached this conclusion by and large...

Use Zillow Like a Pro: Agents Reveal Top Tricks and Undisclosed Secrets

Use Zillow Like a Pro: Agents Reveal Top Tricks and Undisclosed Secrets The housing market is on the upswing, and real estate agents are expecting a full recovery post-pandemic. Buyers and sellers are ...

Looking to Remodel or Refresh Your Home? You May Want to Avoid These Trends

With the coolness and darkness setting in around the country, many people are looking for ways to update their home to create a cozier vibe. This combined with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is leadi...

World Homeless Day Is October 10

World Homeless Day is October 10. People who are homeless need protection from two serious threats. The first threat they face is from the upcoming cold weather. The second is from the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly 100 million people around the w...

If You're Buying or Selling Property, Check Out These COVID Safety Tips

COVId-19 might have slowed down some parts of the economy, but in many places, the housing market is booming. Right now might be a great time to sell or buy a new property, but a lot of the traditional...

Demand for Affordable Housing Is High in Las Vegas

The City of Lights may have plenty of bulbs, playing cards and poker chips, but one thing that is lacking in is a supply of housing for sale. The demand of affordable housing in Las Vegas is at an all time high, according to...

Joe Biden Arrived Just in Time to Fix America's Housing Crisis

America is currently in the throes of a massive housing crisis, but new president Joe Biden plans on answering the bell. The 46th President of The United States began his term with a to-do list that included...

How to Sell Your House by Yourself

If you are looking to sell your house without involving a real estate agent, you should know what to do to get the profit you deserve. This article shares some of the best steps to sell a home without hiring realtors. Note that while many...